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Mostrando resultados de 1467
  • Website: Speakaboos stories | Recurso educativo 42568

    Website: Speakaboos stories

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 2084 visitas

    This website holds a collection of stories sorted by grade level and reading level. There are numerous free audio books, and some of them include lesson plans, worksheets and games. There are other…

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  • Turkey for Thanksgiving | Recurso educativo 59010

    Turkey for Thanksgiving

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1797 visitas

    The resource consists of a reading comprehension activity. We read a text about Thanksgiving while we listen to the audio file. Next we complete 11 comprehension exercises. Finally we can complete a…

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  • Website: Wikispaces

    Sandra Martinez Docente

    • 3 lo usan
    • 1294 visitas

    A service that lets us create our wiki for collaborative working and/or learning. It provides a simple webpage editor. We can upload images, documents, audio files, video, etc. We manage privacy and…

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  • Boire et manger

    Xtec Organización

    • 1767 visitas

    Miniunitat didàctica (MUD) sobre lèxic amb àudio de l'alimentació i ús dels articles determinats, indeterminats i partitius. Conté activitats de pràctica i d'autoavaluació i una síntesi…

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  • Listen to News | Recurso educativo 14296

    Listen to News

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 2314 visitas

    Regular listening practice based on the weekly news, with pre-reading vocabulary, reading, gap-fill exercise, comprehension quiz and answers. Each Tuesday "EnglishClub" publishes a short audio…

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  • El comte Rossi a Mallorca | Recurso educativo 38208

    El comte Rossi a Mallorca

    Edu3 Organización

    • 1987 visitas

    Recurs d´àudio que parla sobre la figura d'Arconovaldo Bonaccorsi, conegut per Aldo Rossi, el Conde Rossi o el león de Son Servera qui fou un feixista italià que a les ordres de Mussolini va envair…

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  • Website: Podomatic | Recurso educativo 33992

    Website: Podomatic

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1966 visitas

    "Podomatic" is a website that allows us to record and upload audio, so other people can listen to it. It is a useful site to host our podcasts. We can listen to podcasts aboout different…

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  • Joies musicals de la Biblioteca de Catalunya | Recurso educativo 42205

    Joies musicals de la Biblioteca de Catalunya

    Edu3 Organización

    • 1929 visitas

    Recurs d´àudio sobre el manuscrit 454 de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, el "Cançoner de Barcelona". Aquest manuscrit es considera una joia de la música del renaixement procedent de la Corona…

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  • Assasination | Recurso educativo 47780


    British Council Organización

    • 1909 visitas

    Through this article we learn about this tradition of playing jokes to other people. We can do a preparation activity, in which we can learn about death phrases. We can read the article (and also listen…

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  • No more training wheels | Recurso educativo 53800

    No more training wheels

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1716 visitas

    Resource designed to help us improve our reading skills. We deal with vocabulary related to growing up and learning a difficult skill (riding a bike). There is an interactive activity (with audio) and 4…

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