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Mostrando resultados de 385553
  • Llegeix el text que has escrit i contesta aquestes preguntes: | Recurso educativo 562294

    Llegeix el text que has escrit i contesta aquestes preguntes:

    EduBook Organización

    • 3500 visitas

    Llegeix el text que has escrit i contesta aquestes preguntes: T'ha costat continuar el conte? T'ha anat bé per tenir més idees parlar amb els companys abans d'escriure? Què t'ha…

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  • Escoitar e falar | Recurso educativo 563369

    Escoitar e falar

    EduBook Organización

    • 3499 visitas

    Facer unha entrevista Facer unha entrevista é facerlle preguntas a unha persoa para coñecela mellor. Na entrevista a persoa que pregunta chámase entrevistador e a que responde a pregunta, entrevistado.

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  • Escribe oracións con verbos en imperativo para: | Recurso educativo 563723

    Escribe oracións con verbos en imperativo para:

    EduBook Organización

    • 3487 visitas

    Escribe oracións con verbos en imperativo para: Pedirlle unha pelota a un amigo. Mandarlles aos teus compañeiros que falen máis baixo. Pedirlles perdón aos teus pais. Conseguir que a túa avoa che…

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  • Frases fetes, màximes i refranys | Recurso educativo 564428

    Frases fetes, màximes i refranys

    EduBook Organización

    • 3494 visitas

    Lèxic 1. Les frases fetes Les frases fetes són expressions molt corrents en qualsevol llengua i les fem servir sense adonar-nos-en. Les frases fetes són frases que tenen una forma invariable i no…

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  • Complete. Heat and changes of state | Recurso educativo 565040

    Complete. Heat and changes of state

    EduBook Organización

    • 3494 visitas

    Complete the following sentences with the missing words: When we put liquid water in the freezer, first it goes cold and later it . Liquids at any temperature change to water vapour because of . The…

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  • Complete. The Moon | Recurso educativo 565393

    Complete. The Moon

    EduBook Organización

    • 3486 visitas

    Complete the sentences with the missing words: artificial – atmosphere – heat up – hidden – smaller – satellite – satellites – orbits – 28 – 107 – 173 The Moon is the Earth's…

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  • Water purification and treatment | Recurso educativo 565645

    Water purification and treatment

    EduBook Organización

    • 3494 visitas

    Water goes through a series of stages both before and after it is used for consumption. Water collected from a river or lake is purified for human consumption. After human use, contaminated water and…

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  • Fungi and lichens | Recurso educativo 565972

    Fungi and lichens

    EduBook Organización

    • 3499 visitas

    6.1. Fungi Fungi are heterotrophic organisms (parasites or saprophytes) that have many different unicellular and multicellular forms: Mushrooms, which grow in forests and fields. Moulds, which grow on…

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  • Put in order. The industrial process 02 | Recurso educativo 567100

    Put in order. The industrial process 02

    EduBook Organización

    • 3492 visitas

    Put the evolution of labour in the industrial process into chronological order: Before the 18th century Industrialisation in the 19th century Industry in the 20th and 21st centuries

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  • Interpret. Global stock market crashes | Recurso educativo 567421

    Interpret. Global stock market crashes

    EduBook Organización

    • 3492 visitas

    Look at the graphic and answer the question: Why did stock markets around the world crash in August, 2007?

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