The Diversity of Life
There are more than one and a half million recorded species on Earth, and there are probably several million more to be discovered. Some places have extraordinary diversity. For example, tropical rainforests and coral reefs have an especially high biodiversity. When humans transform natural landscapes into farmland, urban areas and roads, the natural habitat of many plants and animals is destroyed. [...]
Esta secuencia contiene:
11 actividades
104 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Didactic objectives Evaluate the benefits that the huge diversity of living things on the Earth brings to societyin general. [...]
1. Evolution and biodiversity Biological evolution is due to a series of spontaneous genetic changes, or mutations, which offer advantages to the organism and allow it to survive and multiply more effectively. [...]
There are more than one and a half million recorded species on Earth, and there are probably several million more to be discovered. Some places have extraordinary diversity. [...]
1.1. The great diversity of living things Species can change. They undergo a gradual transformation over time. This change is known as biological evolution. [...]
2.1. What is a species? To study biological diversity, it is necessary to identify, name and classify all organisms. A series of categories or groups exists that includes all organisms that share similar characteristics. [...]
3.1. Monera The Monera kingdom includes unicellular bacteria and cyanobacteria or blue-green algae. Blue-green algae or cyanobacteria have chlorophyll and can live isolated or in colonies, both in fresh water and in the sea. 3.2. [...]
4.1. Industrial use of bacteria Many bacteria are beneficial because they are used in industrial processes. In the food industry, bacteria are used to make yoghurts and to turn wine into vinegar. [...]
The Protista kingdom is made up of unicellular and multicellular organisms such as protozoa and algae. 5.1. Protozoa Protozoa are unicellular organisms that live in aquatic or humid mediums. [...]
6.1. Fungi Fungi are heterotrophic organisms (parasites or saprophytes) that have many different unicellular and multicellular forms: Mushrooms, which grow in forests and fields. [...]
There are more than one and a half million recorded species on Earth, and there are probably several million more to be discovered. Some places have extraordinary diversity. [...]
There are more than one and a half million recorded species on Earth, and there are probably several million more to be discovered. Some places have extraordinary diversity. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
12 años:
- Biología
- Geologia
13 años:
- Geologia
- Biología
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